Antigen test
- At Your address
- Nose swab
- In cooperation with LabPlus clinic
- Test manufacturer - Roche
- Test sensitivity - 96,52%
- Test specificity - 99,68%
- Test results are on Your email in one hour
Serological test
- At Your address
- Blood sample
- In cooperation with LabPlus clinic
- Test manufacturer - Roche
- Test sensitivity - 100% fourteen days after infection start
- Test specificity - 99,8%
- Sampling until 6PM
- Test results are on Your email in one to five hours
PCR test
- At Your address
- Nose swab
- Test results are on Your email in 24 hours
- Sampling during whole day
- Price with referral from Your family medicine practicioner - 300 kn
- Discounts for groups of users
Tests can be made without a refferal from Your doctor!
Cjenik iznad je važeći za područje Splita i okolice.
For all additional questions and information, feel free to contact us!